Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Fairmont Park

What wild wacky weather we've been witnessing.

The last couple of days have been horrible with a capital "horrib". It's been windy and rainy and just plain cold. To Glosette Girl's chagrin, I promised myself I wouldn't turn the heat on now that May has begun. However, with the temperature hovering around 10 degrees Celsius I finally broke down and cranked on the juice.

Sigh. Canada right?

In contrast, Saturday was gorgeous with a capital "gorge". The sun was shining, the sky was blue and I think it was closer to 18 degrees. We took advantage of the day by visiting another of our nearby parks: Fairmont Park.

I've actually blogged about walking through this park in the night before. It's a little farther than our neighbourhood park, but nothing Margot can't handle. The interesting thing about this park is that it's on the other side of the Queensway, in the Civic hospital neighbourhood. The character of the park really reflects the posher, more gentile feeling of that area in comparison to the more rough-and-tumble-urban-meets-slow-gentrification feel of my own.

Fairmont park itself is nice though, there is no denying that. Really nice. There are tennis courts, a big playground, and random dog statutes scattered around.

What more could you want?

There is also a decent sized field, perfect for...kite flying!

It's alive!
Moments later Margot ran into the camera
Tough Cookies: Hintonburg Style challenge for the day: fly a kite and be grumpy. It's impossible!

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