Monday, September 25, 2017

An Audition

Normally I blog about stuff that happened, or that I observed, in the previous few days. It forces me to pay attention to the little details of life!

However, a couple of weeks ago was very busy for Margot (at least in the eyes of her dada!). In addition to Soirée coup d'oeil, we decided to let Margot audition for the Nutcracker. This wasn't for some sort of amateur-night production. Nope. This was for the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, which is probably Canada's most famous and prestigious ballet! 

It was sort of a whim, really. Glosette Girl noticed that auditions were being held on the weekend for the parts of some of the children, mice and other animals in the production (apparently there are polar bears in this years' show!) and we just went. 

Mostly it involved a lot of waiting.

...and more waiting.

While we waited for her turn Margot drew in her notepad. We had so much time that we decided to go wander around the neighbourhood, pick up some leaves and even check out a race that was going on nearby.

Eventually it was Margot's turn.

"Numbers 40 through 80 please follow me" the lady-in-charge called out and off Margot went with a bit of a nervous look.  45-minutes later she burst out of the room with a gaggle of other girls and a big smile. 

Honestly, its a bit of a mystery what she was asked to do. We weren't allowed in the room and prior ballet experience technically wasn't even required. 

A week later we learned that Margot didn't get a part. We'll never know the reason why but age might have been a factor as she was one of the youngest and smallest girls there (the audition was for children 7 to 12). But I'm still really proud of her! She tried something new and didn't even blink. The audition process was pretty daunting but she took in all in stride. 

What a little sprite!


  1. Sounds like a great experiece, well done Margot :)

  2. We're very proud of her here. The little sprite has moxy!
