Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Piano Man

Here at Tough Cookies Hintonburg Style we don't rest on our laurels. No siree Bob!

If Margot does after school activities, the parents have to do do something too. So what does that mean exactly? Well it means that every Monday from 6:30-7 pm I now have Piano lessons.

Yes, stay tuned friends because a new virtuso is coming into the world!

Soon, soon I promise you, I will make hearts soar like an eagle and eyes water like Niagara Falls as I play the most dashing, most daring, most tricked out version of "Merry Had a Little Lamb" that has ever graced this fair and gentle land. "Simon Glen Parham Gould" - has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

Actually I just thought it would be fun to pick up a new hobby. Margot is at Brownies every Monday and it's the perfect time to skip across the street to where my piano teacher lives and grab half-an-hour for a quick lesson before scooting home for some practice on my bad boy:

OK, maybe that's not my normal piano (snapped this photo at a super cool event over the weekend). It's still fun to pick up something new though. The last hobby I took up was bird watching and that was...7 years ago maybe? I even blogged about it at the time. This feels different though. It's one thing to snap photos of birds now and again. It's another thing to pick up something that requires daily practice, discipline and finesse.

Its fun though. My job is very stressful and always in the back of my mind. But when I'm playing piano I have to be in the moment so I forget all about that. If nothing else it's worth it just for that!

1 comment:

  1. Just let me know when I can pre-order your first album, so I can beat the rush ;)
