It's not that people can't use more friends. Look around, I'm sure a lot of the people you see with their faces glued to their smartphones would love to know a few more people. I really believe people are starving for conversation even if they don't show it.
Well, Glosette Girl and I are here to say that we're trying to buck this lonely trend! Last weekend, after Margot got invited over to a classmate's house for a playdate we decided to use that as a springboard for our own playdate and invited the classmate and her parents over for dinner.
The night hit all the right notes:
- Wine and beer - check.
- Lots of appetizers - check.
- Discussion about travel, our jobs and real estate* - check.
- And finally, appreciate our kids' ability to create a nonsense** play out of absolutely nothing.
All in all, I'd say the night was a success!
So to all parents out there, I have a challenge for you: pick a cool parent or two in your kid's class that you weren't previously friends with and invite them over for dinner/drinks. Don't pick a "responsible" time like 11 am - 1 pm when absolutely nothing interesting happens - pick a time when the wine flows a little freer and the conversation is a little sillier. Vive le adult playdate!
* the holy triumvirate of adult conversation.
** the best type of sense in my book
It's so true about it being tough to make new friends. We've been lucky in that the little boys Asher has become close to all have super great parents. They've become my "mom friends," and trust me I used that term with some disdain before I got to know these ladies better. A bonus is that Rich gets along really well with the dads too! They're a great bunch. now I just hope Asher stays friends with these kids so the parents can all still hang out ;)