Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Who Has the Most Snow?

So I had the brilliant idea last week to ask my brother and dad to send me photos of their streets. My dad lives in Newmarket, Ontario, a suburb of Toronto. My brother lives inToronto itself. I was going to use the photos to make the point that one of the major drawbacks about living in a downtown neighbourhood in Ottawa is that there is nowhere to put the snow that piles up. It's tough livin' here.

The problem is that apparently there is tons of snow in Toronto and Newmarket too! D'oh. There's goes my brilliant idea! Well...not entirely. Compare the photos they sent me to the ones of my street below. I'm down to one bumpy lane - if a car comes the other direction, look out! At least in Newmarket the roads are nice, wide, and plowed.

Newmarket - bad, but you could drive a dump truck down this road

As for Toronto, it's true that things are looking pretty rough right now. But Toronto only experiences a couple of days a year of snow per year. It's practically the Bahamas compared to Ottawa!

Toronto snow - call in the army!
Moral of the story? If you live in Canada, learn to like snow. And if you live in Ottawa, learn to love it!

My street - hey where did that snow gnome come from?
p.s the photo of my street was taken before the City of Ottawa finally plowed the street a couple of days ago. Yay for complaining to the city until they relent and plow!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, it's true it only comes for us (in Toronto) in bursts. Our street ended up looking like yours after shoveling. Massive piles because there is no where to put it. And now a week later a lot has melted off. But our balmy temperatures can make for weird weather too like today's ice pellet hammering.
