Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Up and Down

"Go away!" 
"No! I hate it! It's horrible!!!!"
"You're a T!!" [Margot knows 'idiot' is a bad word and somehow 
has shortened that to 'T' as a way of saying the bad word without going too far]

- All words that have come out of Margot's mouth on a semi-regular basis.

There are five primary sources of conflict: TV; eating; bathing; going to bed and Margot's hair.

Her hair is a particularly brutal one. Every school morning, without exception, Margot asks Glosette Girl for help with Margot's hair before she goes to school. And every morning, without exception, Margot hates everything Glosette Girl does until everyone gives up in frustration.

Ironically, last semester, when it was just Margot and I because Glosette Girl had to leave early for work, there were no problems. I think Margot knew that I was bad at arranging her hair that she didn't bother to fight about it!

It's not so bad of course. After 10 minutes of terror, and as soon as we're out the door, Margot changes to a completely different kid - the sweet one that jabbers on about whatever crosses her mind.

Grrr. MARGOT!!!!!!

There is a whole other side to her of course. She randomly tells me she loves me all the time. That's heartwarming. I also love it whenever her imagination runs wild and she creates a whole little scene or story in the most unlikeliest places.

Arranging her "tou-tous" so they can visit her hallway restaurant
Best of all though is when she just completely takes me by surprise. Jen found this assignment amongst a pile of her homework.

That one made my week.

Sigh. Up and down, up and down. That's my life as a parent!

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