Monday, April 3, 2017

The Smell of Popcorn

Growing up, I remember when going to the video store was a special event. My parents would bundle up my brother, my sister and me into our mini van and we would go to the video store where we would rent a couple of VHS tapes.

The video store was a wondrous place for a kid. There were rows upon rows of the latest films and Nintendo video games for rent. The newest ones were displayed in big groups (what is it about seeing twenty copies of the same movie lined up near each other that makes them look so watchable?!)

The store itself smelled like the saltiest most buttery popcorn you could ever imagine. Best of all, when we were very young, the store we visited (Video 99 - this was before the shortlived era of Blockbuster's video store dominance),  gave us free popcorn to munch as we browsed the shelves! I call that magical time when anything was possible the 80s".

Netflix has changed that forever of course. Now it's so easy to just watch movies online....

...or is it?

A strange thing happened on the way to Netflix's global net streaming hegemony. Like vinyl record stores, a few videostore holdouts seemed to have survived the great video store purge of the last few years and one of them happens to be in my 'hood, Audiovideo Centre. That's it's name: "Audiovideo Centre".

We were enticed into the store last week by a free coupon deal and the fact that it is literally just down the street. I hope going to the store becomes a regular family occurrence. The store has a scrappy and quirky look, which is fun on its own, but the main benefit over Netflix is that they have a lot of movies that Canadian Netflix doesn't have. Chalk one win for diversity.

Will they survive? I hope so! Ask me in a couple of years and I will let you know if they made it.


  1. Video 99...and before that it was National Video (there was maybe a name in between them as well). National Video...where I was first introduced to the wondrous world of Hayao Miyazaki with an English-language dub of one of his masterpieces, Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind. We rented that tape over and over...until the store was closing down...and we BOUGHT it! I think Jonathan has it now. Bit of history that...

  2. Don't forget "super video 99" and "super Dave's" which we never went to. I remember wandering the rows of movies. We would be in there for at least half an hour before leaving with a couple of videos (one new and one gem we'd find in the category aisles)... The popcorn was definitely the best. A bag for wandering and a refill to go.
