Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Timeless Ritual of the Class Photo

Margot got her class photos back today. She looks very sweet (little do they know haha).

Margot is wearing a sweater as she spilled raspberry juice on her shirt!
Ah class photos... they are one of those things that our society ensures is done every year. I'm not sure why, but they feel important. "Don't miss school today, it's class photo day" is something that is heard in households from coast to coast.

Maybe the reason they feel important is that, despite the constant change that is occurring in society, the ritual of taking photos is pretty much the same as before. Here's my grade four class photo:

I'm the cool dude in the middle with the snowflake sweater

(Sorry for all the white space - that's my scanner's fault). Class photos cross all cultural boundaries in Canada. French or English, rich or poor you get 'em done. The world would be a better place with more class photos. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find Glosette Girl's Grade four photo but I was able to dig up this little gem from 1991:

Nice tie sweets!

1 comment:

  1. Lilian had her first school picture this year, it brings back all sorts of feelings taking you back there.
