Tuesday, November 1, 2016

C'est L'Halloween ...HEY!

Ahh Halloween. It gives Christmas a run for the money for best holiday. Just think of all the great things about it:
  • Stay up late - check.
  • Carve a round orange vegetable and place it outside - check.
  • Dress up and let your inner self shine - check.
  • Light small fires - check.
  • Get free candy (if you're a kid) - check.
  • Eat free candy (no age limit) - check.
  • Give away some of that free candy to local urchins but make sure you have a net gain of free candy overall when you factor in the haul your children bring in - check.
We actually threw a Halloween party on the weekend - our first party of our new house! There were kids and adults running rampant all over the place and it was quite fun.

We had to do lots of pre-party prep

Getting into the spirit
But yesterday was the real thing. Hintonburg being a downtown neighbourhood, I was curious to see how many children would be out and about. The answer? LOTS. There were heaps of kids running around here.

Jen and Margot headed out around 6:10 pm
The action really depended on the particular street. Some streets, like Melrose, were booming. Others, like ours, were quieter. My non-scientific analysis is that the number of kids was proportional to the number of houses with kooky halloween decorations and on that basis Melrose got a gold star.

This is what you need to reel the kids in (on Rosemont street)
In the end we got 20* kids. Why the asterisk? Good question. Well, Jen and I were supposed to take turns walking Margot around the neighbourhood trick-or-treating. But after a few minutes during her turn, Jen missed us and decided to track us down leaving a bowl of candy in front of house.

Many people actually do this all the time. For me, that's sacrilegious! You HAVE to count the number of kids that come to your house. Why?


That's a good question.

You just DO.

Anyways, it was spooktactular evening overall even if it will forever be marked with an asterisk!


  1. Girls, I love your spirit! I never knew you counted the number of kids that come to your door, we don't do that in the UK. In France they're just starting to get into Halloween, but they don't quite get it yet. Lots of kids troop around in broad daylight, which is just weird. I suspect for some elderly French people, gangs of small kids in freakish disguises chanting "Un bonbon ou un sort" outside their doors is genuinely frightening!

  2. One day, I hope you can experience the madness of our Hallowe'en nights. Well over 600 kids this year (determined through how many boxes of candy we went through - we only gave one piece per kid!), and decorations were fantastic! Looks like you got into some great spirit :)
