Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Return Home

I had to go on a business trip last week. It was quite a whirlwind tour; just one night in Calgary and back the next day. Calgary is about a 4 and a half hour flight from Ottawa, if one flies directly, or longer if one goes via Toronto (which, unfortunately I did). Not exactly a trip down the street!

Travel, for me, is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, it adds spice to my job as it gives me a chance to see parts of Canada I would never otherwise see. Given how huge this country is, and how expensive intra-Canada travel is, that's quite a perk!

On the other hand, travel disrupts my day-to-day routine. Work piles up in my absence. Someone else has to shovel the driveway or drop Margot off at school. The responsibilities of life  continue unabated!

Fortunately, I travel somewhere between 6-8 times a year, which I think is just enough to make it interesting but not enough to wear me down too much.

One aspect of travel that I really enjoy, however, is the reception I get when I come home.  When I pile through the door all ruffled and disheveled, I am greeted by a little mini celebration from Margot and Glosette Girl. Margot is still young enough to be in the "I love you Dada" stage and she isn't shy about telling me.

This time she took it upon herself to write me a card create a "bricolage"(meaning craft in French) of my favourite animal, the Arctic Fox. Margot doesn't do half measures so she attached said fox to a clock and some snacks and hid it under a blanket to present to me at the right time.

Why a clock? Because it's an Arctic Fox of course!

Anyways, the pride and happiness her little face when she showed me her creations was uplifting. That alone made the trip to Calgary worth it.


  1. I choose to believe I too made the trip to Calgary worthwhile LOL I have shown you 2 restaurants and at least a half block of the city :) Thanks for popping out! Gemma

  2. Homemade gifts are the best! So sweet and creative.


  3. Still wearing that t-shirt I see. Love it...and the fox!
