Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Serendipitous Brownies

Do you ever wonder in awe at some of the serendipitous moments that pop up in life now and again?

One moment you may be attending a Brownie sing-along with your daughter and a few hundred other eager little girls on Parliament Hill and then, before you know it, you realize that your Brownie event has been crashed by a motley crew of pop and rock fans singing an impromptu memorial to Gord Downie, the late lead singer of the Tragically Hip!

Don't miss that sing-along Margot!
It wasn't supposed to happen this way but poor ol' Gord just happened to die the day that the sing-along was scheduled. Fortunately (for the Hip groupies as it's hard to compete with hundreds of little girls singing campfire songs) the two events didn't quite overlap. The Brownie event ended at 7:30 pm, which is just when the Tragically Hip tribute started to get rolling.

"Down by the bay where the watermelons grow...."
The nice thing about the whole experience was that the two groups actually merged for one song, a rousing rendition of "Oh Canada".

Singing Oh Canada on Parliament Hill as a tribute to Gord Downie - it doesn't get much more Canadian than that!

Just your typical Wednesday night in the nation's capital!

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