Monday, October 9, 2017

Thankgiving Thanks

Things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving:

1. The local population of monkeys

They did this like 10 times
 2. Star Wars aficionados

A new generation of fandom is born!
3. mmmmm....Thanksgiving meat! (with apologies to all the vegetarians out there)

4. Playgrounds with turrets. Actually anything with turrets is pretty cool in my books. 

Unfortunately this playground is in Toronto. Boo! So far!
 5. Finding time for family


  1. The Force is strong here too!

    Every time I see a picture of Margot I wonder if she is actually your daughter or if Jen has secretly mastered the art of cloning. She is after all a woman of many talents and mysteries... ;)

  2. A perfectly timed pic of Leia on the screen too. Great list of things to be thankful for!
