Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Three Amenities all in One

Question: what's more convenient than a convenience store?
Answer: a convenience store that is in fact a convenience store, post office and dry cleaners all in one!

"Where is this amazing store you speak of, good sir?" you might ask me.
 And I would answer "Why at the end of my street my good man (or woman)!"

Wellington Cleaners: multi-task specialists
City living means people coming up with all sorts of creative ways to survive. And "Wellington Cleaners" is the perfect example of that. Somehow they make dry cleaning and the post office seem perfectly natural together. Like two peas in a pod or birds of a feather... or, well you get the idea.

It's actually quite useful. If ever I need to mail a birthday parcel, I can just walk over and, whoosh, off it goes. And if I happened to fall into a mud puddle on my way over? No problem! I'll just add my dirty clothes as part of the bargain.

I should be honest and admit that the "convenience" store aspect of the store takes a distant third place to the other business they do. It seems mostly knick knacks and birthday cards from the 1990s. But they add to the charm of the place. One day I'll buy one just to add a bit of spice to the store owner's day.


  1. If you strip off you muddy clothes in his shop and stroll home half-naked that might also add a bit of spice to the store owner's day! Bx

  2. Postal outlets make their way into a lot of Toronto convenience stores too. Though a dry-cleaning business is a new one for me...
