Friday, December 27, 2019

Hintonburg Get-up-and-Go Style vs. Cozy Time

I really like the period between Christmas and New Year's. My work shuts down so I have tons of time on my hands. That leads to a dilemma, however: what to do with that time?

I think there are two broad categories of people in the world. The cozy/comfortable ones and the get-up-and-go-getters. If I was purely cozzy/comfortable I would spend much of my time enjoying low energy (but rewarding!) things like reading books or watching Netflix. If I was purely get-up-and-go-getter I would use the time to do more cross country skiing or skating or hiking.

While I fall in between the extremes, if I'm honest with myself I'm more of a get-up-and-go-getter kinda guy. That probably explains why Margot, Glosette Girl, and I went for a walk on Christmas and another one yesterday. However (and here's the cozy style coming out) if truth be told, the walks were pretty short.

OK maybe I'm not that low energy!
Once we wrapped those up, and with a righteous sense of accomplishment in hand, we cocooned at home and spent much of the rest of the time indoors reading, playing our new family Board game, Settlers of Catan Junior,  and most important of all...finishing the brutal 1000 piece puzzle my brother bought Margot for her birthday. It only took 5 months but we finished it! I guess we just needed my work to shut down in order to do it. Mental note for the future!

5 months of frustration...but worth it!


  1. yeah been there ...done that....yikes....congrats to everyone what are you going to do with it!!


  2. Haha, those pieces must have been tiny. I have another puzzle I know you'll love... Prepare yourselves
