Saturday, July 4, 2020

Working...from where ever!

Yesterday I worked from my parent's basement... 500 km away from where I live in Ottawa. And, guess what? Everything went fine!

The temporary headquarters
It really is interesting, this strange new world, where if you are lucky enough to have a white collar job, you can really live anywhere provided there is a reliable Internet connection. I have been mostly working from my kitchen or spare bedroom. Because I've been working from home half the time for a few years now I'm mostly just setting up shop where I've always worked.

My Sherbrooke office: notice the original artwork-a-la-Margot is my backdrop
But once in awhile I catch myself day dreaming about what life would be like if I lived in one of the cute bedroom villages that dot the landscape around Ottawa. They are commuting hell...but also oases of calm.

Now I'm an urbanite at heart and I think I would have wanted to live in Hintonburg no matter what. But still, it makes for an interesting thought experiment to imagine life in rural Canada. Margot, probably wouldn't have minded! She is always telling us that she's a country girl at heart (it's probably doesn't hurt that her favourite activity right now is horseback riding). Hmmm me as a cowboy...

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