Sunday, February 21, 2021

Coldest Night of the Year

It's nice to do something for the greater good!

On Saturday, Margot, Glosette Girl and I went for a 5 km walk as part of Coldest Night of the Year 2021, a family-friendly walk to raise money for charities serving people experiencing homelessness, hurt, and hunger. 

Even though we walked alone (as a family), we were actually part of a team, All (Smaller) Saints Westboro, which was organized by our church. Our team's focus was to raise money for an Ottawa women's shelter, Cornerstone.

And guess what? We raised $585 to help our team hit its goal of $5000! Woohoo!

Did you see anyone with these hats on the weekend? They were charity walkers!

Amazingly, this is the first fundraiser that I can remember being a part of...ever.* It was really cool to see just how generous our friends and family were in helping out. 

As for the "hard" part (the walk), well, we chose a walk we've never done before: the Crysler Recreational Trail, which is just east of Ottawa. It was a bit different than some of the walks we're used to (less forest, more pastoral), but still very pleasant. 

We pretty much had the whole trail for ourselves, which is a good thing, as it meant we were able to eat all the icicles we found ourselves!

That's good eatin'

* Not counting stuff I did in school, charity races, general church contributions, Margot fundraisers or random charitable donations. We're not heartless :)

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