Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Lemons into Yoga

When life throws you lemons...Glosette Girl takes those lemons, squeezes them, mashes them and turns them into something  better than you could imagine.

June has been a rough month here in Ottawa for school. When the Provincial Government decided to keep having virtual school for the remainder of the academic year, I think a lot of kids (and their parents) simply gave up. Their hearts just weren't in it. 

We were gutted about that decision but Glosette Girl turned her anger into something real: a new project to teach kids - all kids - at Margot's school about mindfulness and yoga.

She's been doing this for a few years now, but only ever for Margot's class. However, for the month of June, Glosette Girl threw open the barn doors and volunteered to give these virtual sessions to every class that wanted them. And want them they did! 

As soon as word got out about Glosette Girl's offer, teachers started emailing her left, right and centre to have her give  virtual session. I think they see a fellow kindred spirit in Glosette Girl's program. At a minimum, it gives kids something new and different to look forward to.

Anyways, I'll let her say a few words about the program:


Fun, huh? Well...the interviewer thought so!

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