Thursday, January 11, 2018

Crafts and Drawings

An unexpected treat for me as a parent is getting to see all the crafts and drawings that Margot comes up with. Day after day she breaks out her pencil crayons or pulls out her markers and just...draws away!

Its amazing to see what she is capable of doing - all with no adult supervision! Here's a sampling of her Christmas drawings:

I feel an odd sort of pride when seeing this. Like, wow, my kid did that! Do all parents experience this?

Anyways those beauties were recently gracing my wall although they are in the process of being replaced by her post-Christmas collection. Here are some works from her modernist series. This is a boat:

And these are dogs:

Haha just kidding (I can imagine some of you now thinking, with worried expressions, "um, Simon...those dogs look like birds to me..."). But still, pretty cool.

How does she come up with this stuff? School maybe? TV has actually been a good influence in this case.  Artzooka and Mister Maker are two craft-based shows that she regularly watches and likes.

Regardless, it's fun to be witness to all her creations. Thank goodness for digital photography.


  1. Yes, I think all parents do experience this. And yes, there is an enormous outpouring our end too. What I love is how much you can read about them and their personalities from what they draw. Not everything makes the cut though, but beware the anger of a small child who finds their creation has been discreetly (or not so discreetly) binned! But hey, I think it's good they learn about artistic discernment, not everything they create is a masterpiece!! And I think in the end it's less valorising if you act as if everything they do deserves to be hung in the Louvre. That said, of course these pictures and creations of Margot do deserve the Louvre treatment :)

  2. "Binning" kids art stuff - the dark secret of parenthood! Bex, you really do tell it like it is!
