Wednesday, January 24, 2018

One Third of Life

You might think, from reading my blog, that my life here in Ottawa is one mad-capped adventure after another. If I'm not going to a restaurant or visiting friends or family I'm off to one exotic locale or another.

But as I hinted at in my last post, things aren't always what they seem.

Like most people, one third of my life is spent sleeping, one third is doing various random things, some of which are interesting (like going for a walk in a nearby forest) and some not so interesting  like going grocery shopping or getting a haircut, and one third (at least Monday to Friday) is spent  working.

I think in the past year-and-a-half Tough Cookies: Hintonburg Style has been up and running I've hinted at my job... maybe once? And that was just to describe the walk to work! Oh and there's also a photo of me wearing a suit in my profile picture. So now you know I wear a suit (sometimes).

Don't worry! I'm not going to bore you with the details of my job. But I would be lying if I didn't say it wasn't a big part of my daily life. It can be at times a source of stress, intellectual growth and even fun. Like most things in life it's a bit of a roller coaster ride. But that's what makes life interesting.

Sometimes I have to take work home with me. For example, I'm currently preparing to give a speech in French. Given my so-so French ability the only way I can avoid butchering the langue de molière is to practice after hours with Glosette Girl. Here I am going over my notes at a downtown coffee shop last weekend.

I apologize to any French patrons who heard me speak
Honestly, working occasionally at home isn't a huge deal. I think I do a pretty decent job at maintaining a work-home life balance and I know that in my profession it could be a lot worse.  Oh and Glosette Girl keeps me on track, don't you worry.

OK that's enough shop talk for now. Next blog post will focus on a more interesting third of my life: sleep! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Looking very studious Simon, that teacher of yours was cracking the whip I bet! ;)
