Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Go-Getter Volunteer!

So one of my resolutions this year was to volunteer more. But y'know what I've since come to realize? Volunteering is a pain in the butt. What with a kid, chores and just mentally preparing yourself to leave your cozy house when the temperature feels like minus twenty two Celsius outside, it's hard for me to muster the energy to do something for free that you don't have to do!

But I did it.

Earlier this week there was a call for volunteers at my church to help shovel snow off the church roof.  Three things convinced me to help out:
  1. I'm no spring chicken but I'm still one of the younger ones at my church. I had this mental image of old folks tumbling off the roof one after another and thought... that's not right!
  2. It's a modest one-time commitment. If I can't help out here I'll never do it.
  3. I was helping out my local community.
So I grabbed a shovel and drove over to the church where I shoveled snow for a solid hour.

Post-shovelling floppy hat. The snow I shovelled is in the background.
Like all things that are "good for you", I felt pretty good (and tired) afterwards. So I'm glad I helped. I'm going to keep try looking for other modest volunteer commitments going forward so stay tuned!

I broke my shovel being a good Samaritan. Oh well, was worth it to get some heaven points!
 p.s. in case you were wondering, Glosette Girl stayed home and cozy drinking tea while Margot was on a playdate. Next time: family volunteering! I can hear the groans already :)

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