Monday, April 22, 2019

Earth Day Cleanup: Chapman Mills conservation area

Today the temperature hit a heavenly 23 degrees (which is right about right for Ottawa, which pretty much always skips over spring and heads straight to summer). We originally didn't have any plans for the day, but not wanting to waste the glorious weather, Glosette Girl and I reached out to our network of friends with kids to see if anyone would be interested in a last minute Earth Day cleanup as an excuse to enjoy the sun.

As some of you may know, "Last minute" and "parents" is like oil and water. Most of our friends had to take a pass. Fortunately, Margot's friend A and her family were onboard!

So at 11 am this morning we met them at Chapman mills conservation area, in the south end of Ottawa, equipped with garbage bags and gloves and ready to pickup trash.

"Little hear you squirts, everyone picks up 25 lbs of garbage, or else!"
I knew, from last year's mini cleanup, that Margot would be an enthusiastic garbage picker. Margot's friend A and her little brother were just as good.

"OK, the best place for the 6 year old is next to the highway. Off you go!"
It turned out to be a really fun experience. The kids made clean up song and kept on yelling how much they liked the environment. We also got quite a few "thank yous" from other users of the trail.

What does it mean when picking up trash bring as much happiness as Shopkins and Pokemon?
To be honest, I think more people would have been interested in joining an organized cleanup put on by the city of Ottawa if one had been arranged. I looked for such an event, but only found one in another, less scenic, park so decided to create my own event. Note to self: write letter to city and promote more Earth Day cleanups next year. at least we made our little corner of the world a little greener!

My local river!


  1. That sounds like the perfect way to celebrate Earth day! I've actually been thinking I wouldn't mind looking into local tree-planting efforts to join with Asher. Little things to help the environment!

    P.S. How big is your backyard snow mountain now??

  2. It's finally gone - only 6 months after it first snowed!

  3. #trashtag great work!! I am trying to get my work to do a cleanup Day too, but big companies always want to do things with organizations as opposed to just going and doing good in their own.
