Monday, April 8, 2019

Hidden Art of Hintonburg

We went for an evening stroll in the rain on Sunday. It was a perfectly marvelous aimless ramble with no particular destination in mind.

We managed to meander our way over to the Mechanicsville side of Wellington Street (the main street through this neighbourhod) where we stumbled across some cool hidden street art.

Actually the dog mural got some press recently.  It was a local resident's attempt to cover up some graffiti. I think she did a pretty cool job...but the city was less amused. Apparently this violated some local ordnance and the city told her to cover it up. 7-months later the mural is still here. I say good! When you live in a downtown neighbourhood you should expect some funkiness here and there. Plus, there are thousands of beige cookie-cutter row houses in this city and only one 20-foot tall French bulldog. Let's cut the home owner some slack for her creative solution to beautifying the area. Vive le grand chien libre!

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