Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Back to School Shopping

When I was a kid, if somebody was to ask me, what month do you start school, I would answer "September" (and then cry). Now that I'm an adult, I know the real answer is "August".

That's because all the back-to-school shopping has to be done several weeks before school actually begins or the keener parents will have drained the store shelves of all the stationary, supplies and other back-to-school goodies.

So today Margot, Glosette Girl and I trodded off to start knocking things off the to-buy list. First up, get Margot a new backpack! She's had her current backpack for a couple of years and it's getting a bit sad to be honest. I'm surprised she hasn't revolted against it. I'm not snobby about buying back to school stuff at any particular store, but we've had good luck with buying backpacks at Mountain Equipment Co-op ("MEC") so that's where we headed to.

MEC, in all its get-fit-outdoorsy-glory, is very Westboro, which is an upper middle class neighbourhood just west of here. But they do sell good backpacks (and camping stuff - let's be honest, MEC is like candy for middle-aged dudes like me).

So we searched and searched for a backpack and...what do you think? Mission accomplished? You tell me:

Hmmm.... Walmart it is then! At least we had some ice cream after.

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