Thursday, January 16, 2020

Parent Date Nights

On Sunday, Glosette Girl and I sneaked away for a date night with the parents of Margot's friend, A, at Trattoria Cafe Italia, a restaurant in nearby Little Italy. It was a fun night of wine and pasta in a quiet, but atmospheric setting.

Parents only! (Just kidding, they do take kids but shhh..)
Glosette Girl and I actually make a point of getting to know, socially, the parents of Margot's friends. It takes effort because I find that I can't really fall into making new friends like I did (a million years ago) in my twenties at University. I don't think I'm unique in this regard because I get the impression that Glosette Girl and I are relatively rare as a couple in meeting new acquaintances like this on a semi-regular basis.

I'm not sure why that is the case though because almost every time we have one of these parent-date-nights they tend to be great experiences. We gossip about all the trials and tribulations of our little ones and often learn about the very different lives of people who are outside of our social circle or normal relationship network. The wine doesn't hurt either!

Don't get me wrong - I prioritize my longstanding friends and go out with them on a more frequent basis. But it's nice to know that new ones are sometimes closer than you think.

p.s "Parent Date Nights" are different than "Parent Play Dates". Both are great, and involve mixing it up with cool parents, but no kids are included in the former!

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