In 2016 I blogged how much I enjoyed walking with Margot to school. Well, four years later I'm still enjoying those walks. Margot is in grade five now and doesn't need me to walk her to school anymore. But she tells me she likes that I walk her...part of the way.
I don't hold her hand as much but I still walk her to the corner of Gladstone and St Francis street, which takes about three minutes. I then give her a hug and let her go on her merry way. It's short but in many ways a much more relaxing routine than it used to be when she was younger. Our mornings used to be a constant battle of Glosette Girl trying (and failing) to brush Margot's hair and get her out the door. It was incredibly stressful.
Now that's all in the past and often she has time to enjoy a little bit of Squat before we leave. Growing up, I remember walking to school with my brother and some local boys who would come over to our house.We were a geeky little crew but we had our fun. It was a rough and tumble start to the day and very different from Margot's experience.
Sometimes I wish there were some neighbourhood kids around here that Margot could walk to school with. I think she would like that. She's half way there already because after school, she and a gaggle of friends walk home together But secretly (well, not so secretly since I'm blogging about it), I'm glad I have all to myself in the mornings for just a little longer.