Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Guest Post: a 10-year old's thoughts

Well, I enjoyed picking Glosette Girl's brain in last week's post, so I thought I would continue the fun with another guest post - this time from Margot's perspective.

First question: "What do you like about your cat, Panda?" (sidebar one: two great joys in Margot's life right now are horses and Panda)

Second question: "What do you like to do after school?" (sidebar two: a bonus of these guest posts is that Margot tells me what's going on in her life without too much pushback. Parent score!)

Third question: "Do you like mornings or evenings better (sidebar three: trick question - evenings during weekdays, mornings on weekends!) 

Fourth question: "What is the square root of 361?"*

Ha fooled you. Bonus Panda question!

* It's 19 if you're curious.

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