Yesterday, I took Margot to see a local orthodontist. We've known she's needed braces for sometime, and have visited the orthodontist before, but this was the last appointment before actually starting installing the braces on her.
The orthodontist laid out the information in a very matter-of-fact way: metal braces; two years, on average, for them to be installed; etc. etc. There wasn't too much room for chit chat. Margot just took everything in stride and listened as I asked follow up questions. However, after the appointment, once we were outside and walking home, she stormed ahead and then burst into tears. It was heartbreaking.
I remember when I had braces installed when I was a kid. Worse - I had to get glasses at the same time. I still remember praying to God asking to have all this just go away. I remember praying for better vision and teeth! It's still a raw memory even after all these years.
So my heart went out to little Margot. I just wanted to be there for her and comfort her.
It's hard to blame Margot for not wanting to put these in her mouth! |
Luckily, she is a trooper. By the afternoon she was much better and instead of crying she was resorting to her usual trickery: telling me that she would get braces if I got her something! Honestly, it's a small price to pay and Margot is already ready to get braces installed in return for something special. What that "special" thing is is still a mystery to me!
We are still shopping around a bit so she's in the clear for a couple more months. But hey, things aren't that bad. According to Margot, if there is one good thing about covid-19 its that she has to wear a mask at school. So no one will see her wearing her "ugly" braces!
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