Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Medal for Holding Medals

You wouldn't believe what's going on in the community sometimes - well I wouldn't at least! Yes, even in COVID times, just down the road there might be a charity food drive or a race or a pop up shop. 

Well this past week the Canoe Kayak Canada National Sprint Championship was held in Ottawa at Mooney's Bay, which is on the Rideau River, about 15 minutes from my house.  It's amazing that this is going on for a few reasons. To start, it's one of the first big post-COVID athletic championships to be held in person in Canada. Second, it's a great opportunity to meet some of  Olympians who participated in the recent Tokyo Summer Games.

I am sure 99% of Ottawans don't realize this event is going on even though it's occuring in the middle of the city! Honestly, the main reason I know is because Margot took summer camp at the Rideau Canoe Club and they sent out a call for volunteers.

Of course Margot, who is always game to try something new, volunteered to be...someone who holds the medals when they are given out! I had an opportunity to see her performing her medal duties and she had the biggest smile on her face. You would have thought she had won one of the events!

First she walks out with the winners...

I wonder if anyone noticed I was taking photos of the girl holding the medals and not the medalists

 ...then after the medals are awarded, she stands around looking happy!

A cool bonus for her was that she met Lisa Bissonnette who is a great Canadian kayaker and went to Tokyo but wasn't allowed to compete.*

The winners, a sponsor, Lisa and a beaming Margot

Anyways, Margot had a great time helping out. I said it before and I'll say it again, it's amazing what's going on in the world if you just take the time to look.

Extra bonus karma: I volunteered too (handing out coffee, so not as glamorous!)

* The story is kindof sad actually - you can read about it here

1 comment:

  1. Hey Simon
    Any chance we can get a translation in English
