Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Backyard Laundry

When you post once a week it can seem that you do a lot. You can focus on the fun stuff rather than the day-to-day tedium. Sleep, work, commuting, chores, cooking and eating: that stuff probably takes up 80% of my life right now. Another 10% is made up of quiet activities like reading, surfing the net, watching the occasional Netflix episode or going to the neighbourhood park.

But the quiet moments have their place too.

Yesterday, after hanging some bedsheets out to dry, I sat down with Margot for an intense game of Pokemon Online in my backyard. I've mentioned before how Margot loves the card version of this game. 

Once settled in, we got into the game and pitted our wits against the nefarious Zach of the Gold Cup league. (Zach is a fictitious person by the way. He is used to help train new gamers like Margot and I up to the point where we can play real people. I can't believe I know this but I do).

We won some...

We lost some...

And around us, our laundry swayed gently in the breeze.


  1. Ah there you are! I was beginning to get worried... ;)

    I have to admit my eyes glazed over as soon as you started talking about the online game (Fanf plays with our kids too, I tutt loudly but profit from the time to dip my nose in a book). Why are computer games a dad thing? Or does Jen also play computer games with Margot?

    1. Definitely a Dad thing! One of life's mysteries I think!
