Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Dance of Joy

I promise not to write too many sappy posts but sometimes life is sappy so bear with me!

OK. Ready...

Putting the lil' shoes on...
Get set...

and getting the 'lil costume ready

The grande finale of Margot's dance school, Dance Educators, was quite the experience again! Hard to believe this is her fourth recital already (she was 4 years old in the first one). I think when I wished for a daughter all those years ago this is what I pictured in my mind. I can't help but smile and take it all in.


  1. Some extra information for those who asked: the theme of Margot's Ballet was Midsummer Night's Dream. She was little red riding hood (Shakespeare forgot about that character in his version)

  2. Bravo!!! Beautiful Margot, you make the sweetest little Red Riding Hood xxx
