Sunday, June 25, 2017

Dad break

The good side of being a parent: adoration, experiencing the world through new eyes, less cynicism. The bad side of being a parent: the endless chores, the temper tantrums, the fatigue.

As much fun as I enjoy being a dad, it's not all sunshine and roses and I hope this blog doesn't give that impression. Because I only blog once per week, I generally emphasize the best side of my life here in Hintonburg. I'll be honest - it's a good life. But there are times when I catch myself feeling a pang of jealousy when I see the carefree abandon of those without kids.

I remember (faintly) what it was like to go out too late. I remember sleeping in. I remember when doing nothing but having conversation over a few drinks with friends was a full day's agenda. Those are things I miss.

Calabogie "Front Porch"
For me, the key is to try and maintain adult friendships. I've known most of my true friends for years, and I try and have a pub night once a month with those that still live in Ottawa. While that's the theory anyways; more realistically it's once every month-and-a-half to two months. As crazy as it may sound to people without kids, that's a fairly ambitious agenda! But I think it's essential for my sanity.

My time out with the boys is a time to be silly. A time to drink a few beers, catch up, and say whatever is on our minds. Funnily enough, our kids often do come up - but I think we mention them in a way that only longtime friends can when they are being brutally honest. The good is mixed in with the bad and the sheer honesty of it all is cathartic. Glosette Girl has her own version of this and she always comes back freshly rejuvenated. 

This past week, two of the boys, A and D, and I met up in Pub Italia, which is in nearby Little Italy. I haven't talked about Little Italy too much on this blog yet. That'll be for another day. Suffice it to say, it's probably the place in Ottawa where you'd most expect to find a pub with Italy in its name.

Me, A and D
It was a good evening of craft beer (see Calabogie photo above) and thin crust pizza (see below).

The "Italian Dressing"
A night of just chillin' with the mates. Nothing mind-blowing. Just chillin'. I needed that. Maybe parents would be happier if they did that more often.

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