Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Kitchen Reno: Day 57 - 10 Tips to Survive a Reno

57 days in... and Glosette Girl and I aren't at each other's throats...yet! Based on what I've learned so far, here are my ten tips to survive a big kitchen reno:

1. Make sure you have the following triumvirate of alternative cooking appliances: microwave, BBQ and hot plate. You'll need all of them.
2. Donate money to Greenpeace. Why? To get over your guilt of buying disposable plates and cutlery to help cut down on the dishes you need to clean in your bathtub.
3. Take pleasure in little victories. Like your new ceiling not falling down on your head.

Light = new wood; Dark = old as father time wood
4. Get used to sweeping the floors constantly due to the dust. Bonus: if you find out you like sweeping you've just found yourself a new career skill.
5. Eat out at least once a week to reward yourself for eating in the other six days.
6. When your spouse looks like they need it, give them a big hug to release some tension. p.s get used to hugging!
7. You can't survive without a fridge. But if your "normal" fridge is temporarily in your garage (like mine) you'll go insane going outside to access it all the time. Buy a mini beer fridge from a University student for essential foods.

8. Keep your sense of humour. For example, tell the neighbourhood kids that the old kitchen door you've just removed is a secret passage to Narnia, which they can get to if they run at the door really fast.

Do I hear Mr. Tumnus?
9.   Do your renos in warm weather as otherwise the reno mess will be 100 times worse from the snow and sludge.
10. Don't forget that you love your little house and it'll be over eventually!

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