Thursday, October 31, 2019

School Activities

Is it just me or are there way more activities available for kids these days offered in school?

Margot is a member of her school's cross-country team and just this past week she ran a 2 km race in 10 minutes 39 seconds. Not too shabby! Running is pretty natural for her as she usually joins me on the bi-annual races I run every year.

On your marks, get set...GO!
In addition to cross country, for grade four kids there is judo, "speed stacks" (where you literally just stack stuff - not sure about that one!), track and field, improv, drama club and piano. Grade five is when the sports I remember growing up start to be offered, including: soccer, volleyball and basketball. Starting last year they've also offered downhill skiing.

So close..
I definitely don't remember cross country at such a young age (its available to eight year olds starting in grade three) being offered at my school. Good for Saint François D'Assise (a.k.a Margot's school) though! It's not a rich school with tons of facilities but they do a pretty respectable job of finding creative ways to offer new activities. And it definitely helps build school spirit - Margot is always telling me how happy she is when her school beats Édouard Bond, another local area Catholic school, that I think is her school's arch-nemisis!*

* When I was growing up my nemesis school was called Prince Charles. Oh those dirty rascals!

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